Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christ at Work!

It is a huge blessing to work for a company that sponsors employee network groups, including a Bible Study Group. We occasionally have guest speakers who come and share from God's Word.

This post is a way to 'open the vault' so to speak and share this treasure of Biblical wisdom from some of the guest speakers to the Bible Study Group since early 2008. These recordings worked best for converting into mp3 audio (unfortunately several others could not be converted due to technical issues).

Click the play button on the left of each item to listen here, or download the mp3 files by right-clicking and selecting Save-File-As.
Beginning in 2011, I hope to add other similar 'Christ at Work' posts that feature visitors to the Bible Study Group.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Will God ever answer my prayer?

Ever feel like that? Today's Spurgeon devotional was perfect (subscribe here)! If you are a child of God, your Heavenly Father promises to answer your prayers. Be encouraged by this, as I was:

"Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you," Isaiah 30:18a

God often delays in answering prayer . We have several instances of this in sacred Scripture. Jacob did not get the blessing from the angel until near the dawn of day--he had to wrestle all night for it. The poor woman of Syrophenicia was answered not a word for a long while. Paul besought the Lord thrice that the thorn in the flesh might be taken from him, and he received no assurance that it should be taken away, but instead thereof a promise that God's grace should be sufficient for him. If thou hast been knocking at the gate of mercy, and hast received no answer, shall I tell thee why the mighty Maker hath not opened the door and let thee in? Our Father has reasons peculiar to himself for thus keeping us waiting. Sometimes it is to show his power and his sovereignty, that men may know that Jehovah has a right to give or to withhold. More frequently the delay is for our profit. Thou art perhaps kept waiting in order that thy desires may be more fervent. God knows that delay will quicken and increase desire, and that if he keeps thee waiting thou wilt see thy necessity more clearly, and wilt seek more earnestly; and that thou wilt prize the mercy all the more for its long tarrying. There may also be something wrong in thee which has need to be removed, before the joy of the Lord is given. Perhaps thy views of the Gospel plan are confused, or thou mayest be placing some little reliance on thyself, instead of trusting simply and entirely to the Lord Jesus. Or, God makes thee tarry awhile that he may the more fully display the riches of his grace to thee at last. Thy prayers are all filed in heaven, and if not immediately answered they are certainly not forgotten, but in a little while shall be fulfilled to thy delight and satisfaction. Let not despair make thee silent, but continue instant in earnest supplication.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Global Day of Prayer for Sudan

At this historic juncture for the people of Sudan, the World Evangelical Alliance is asking Christians to observe a global day of prayer on December 5th, 2010.

The people of Sudan have experienced terrible loss of life and suffering in the last half century as a result of prolonged civil war and unrest.

The Comprehensive Peace Agreement ended that war but now peace is threatened again as Southerners prepare to vote in a decisive referendum on January 9th, 2011.

Whether the people decide to separate or remain united, the nation will be changed forever. (from the World Evangelical Alliance)

Last week a close friend returned from a two week mission trip to Sudan. Jared Chasteen shared with the Bible study group that Sudan, the largest country in Africa and one of the most poverty-stricken, is on the verge of devastating war.

Today Jared is asking ministry partners to pray for Sudan. "Generally, I have mixed feelings about 'Days of Prayer' - we should be praying for Sudan EVERY day," Jared said. "But I think they can be helpful reminders for us to pray with a special focus for important issues."

Jared also shared this MSNBC Video which featured actor George Clooney traveling to Sudan to raise awareness of the huge issues there.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

May the Lord work mightily in Sudan to call to Himself a people for His Name and glory!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thomas Watson - a call to action!

In our family devotions Monday, we read parable of the 10 virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. Then I came across this over lunch.

This is in Thomas Watson's introduction to his commentary on the Beatitudes. It's a call to action, Christian!
May the Lord grant that while you have an opportunity, and the windserves you, you may not lie idle at anchor, and when it is too late beginto hoist up sails for Heaven. Oh now, Christian, let your loins be girt,and your lamps burning, that when the Lord Jesus, your blessed Bridegroom,shall knock, you may be ready to go in with Him to the marriagesupper,which shall be the prayer of him who is,Yours in all true affection and devotion,Thomas Watson

Watson's work on The Beatitudes can be read online here or purchased here.

About Me

Here is my testimony: mike