Friday, January 14, 2011

Free Answers in Genesis Conference!

In Kansas City area this weekend? There is a free AIG conference this Sunday and Monday in at Lenexa Baptist Church.

Ken Ham and his website, Answers in Genesis, has been a huge blessing as he seeks to provide a Christian worldview in the area of scientific debate. Someday we will visit the Creation Museum in Kentucky, which we have heard is quite impressive!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Our path is often slippery!

From James Smith, "Preservation Sought" 1865 ...

"But as for me, my feet had almost slipped! I had nearly lost my foothold!" Psalm 73:2

The Christian is always on dangerous ground!

We may fall into sin--even when we cannot fall into hell.
We may break our bones--when we cannot break our neck.
We may make sad work for repentance--when we do not incur a sentence of final condemnation.
We are liable to fall by error--which is specious and powerful.
We are liable to fall by Satan--who is crafty and malicious.
We are liable to fall by our weakness--which is very great.
We are liable to fall by sinful pleasures--in which the flesh takes delight.
We are liable to fall by our unhallowed tempers--which need constant watchfulness and incessant prayer.
We are liable to fall by erroneous people--who may, like Satan, lie in wait to deceive us.

We therefore need keeping--constant keeping, divine keeping!

Our path is often slippery--and we are apt to be incautious. But it is our unspeakable mercy, that God has promised to keep us. "He keeps the feet of His saints."

But He will have us feel our weakness, and need of His keeping--and plead with Him to keep us: "Hold me up--and I shall be safe!" Psalm 119:117

"My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!
He will not let you stumble; the One who watches over you will not slumber.
Indeed, He who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
The Lord Himself watches over you!
The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.
The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever!"
Psalm 121
Source: Today's GraceGem

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Holiness Unto the Lord by James Smith, 1865

Today's Grace Gem is perfect for New Year's Day! May we use this new year to take inventory of our possessions and our pursuits in life, and bring all under the Lordship of Christ. The following is taken from a sermon written over 140 years ago, but the message is still relevant.

Holiness Unto the Lord
by James Smith, 1865

"On that day even the harness bells of the horses will be inscribed with these words: 'Holy unto the Lord.' And the cooking pots in the Temple of the Lord will be as sacred as the basins used beside the altar." Zechariah 14:20

We are to write on all that we ARE, on all that we HAVE--"Holy unto the Lord!" We are no longer to live unto ourselves--but unto Him who loved us, and gave Himself up for us. We are to have . . .
holy thoughts,
holy desires,
holy motives,
holy aims,
holy pleasures,
holy sorrows, and
pursue holy objects.

1. See then, what we should BE--holy. This was God's end in our election, redemption, and effectual calling. This is God's design in all our trials, troubles, and exercises; they are for our profit--that "we may be partakers of His holiness."

2. See also, what we should DO--write, "Holy unto the Lord!" on all that we possess. We have no right to possess, use, or wear anything--on which we cannot write, "Holy unto the Lord!"

Christian, is there anything in your house, in your business, or on your person--on which it would be unfitting to write, "Holy unto the Lord?" If so--ought you to possess it, practice it, or wear it?

Would such an inscription look well on some of our costly furniture, fine clothing, or entertainments? Would it? Do not shun the question--but let conscience take it up, examine, and return an honest answer.

We should use all that we have--as consecrated to Jehovah's service and praise:
our mental powers,
our physical strength,
our wealth,
our abilities,
our possessions
--all should be used for God, and for His glory! When about to employ any of these, we should pause, and ask, "Will putting them to this use honor God? Will it serve His cause? Will it bring praise to His most holy name?"

All who see us, dwell with us, or visit us--should be able to perceive that we have written upon all we have and are, "Holy unto the Lord." Until they can, we are not what we ought to be--and God's end in what He has done for us, and conferred upon us, is not answered.

O Spirit of holiness, come down and by the finger of Your power--write, "Holy unto the Lord!" upon our hearts! Enable us, as the effect, to write upon all we that have and are, upon all that we purpose, plan, and do--"Holy unto the Lord!" in large and pleasing characters, such as all may understand!
Happy New Year to one and all!

About Me

Here is my testimony: mike