... the title is helpful and appropriately named!
No matter what "side" you're on in this debate (even if you don't know!), this is an interesting and helpful series of short posts that add light to the topic.
Here are some things I liked about the series:
- it differentiates "hyper Calvinism" (which is bad, very bad) from actual, historic Calvinism.
- it provides some a short list of very good resources for further study ... some books and 2 mp3 resources (a short-version: a single message on "the Story of Calvinism", and a LONG version, a 74-message series entitled "The History and Theology of Calvinism").
- it is personable/informal and fair, something I'd share with my Arminian friends with no worry of undue offense. The author shares his own personal journey in "the doctrines of grace" and yet does it in a non-condescending way.
- it is balanced. Where else will you find a defense of Calvinism which actually recommends reading the top book from the "other side"?
- it has some good insight on 1 John 4:19 that I'd never considered before.
- finally, the messages are broken down into short, readable posts that you can read in 5-10 minutes each.

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