Just had to post this quote I came across in John Piper's Desiring God.

"The difference between Uncle Sam and Jesus Christ is that Uncle Sam won't enlist you in his service unless you are healthy, and Jesus won't enlist you unless you are sick. "
Piper then referenced Mark's gospel:
"Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I came not to call the righteous, but sinners" (Mark 2:17).
To continue this theme, God led me to a message Jerry Bridges gave at the Desiring God conference. Bridges gives 4 Essentials for Finishing Well (this sermon is a must listen!). The second point really stayed with me: a daily appropriation of the Gospel. Here are the notes from the sermon, from DesiringGod:
"The gospel is for sinners. Before we spend time in communion with God, we must come to him with the attitude of the tax collector who prayed, "Have mercy on me, a sinner," and trust God alone to make us righteous. This alone will give us the confidence to approach God and have communion with him. Thank you, Lord, that you justify sinners like me and clothe us in your righteousness! Help us to come to you today as hopeless sinners and look to You for justification and sanctification! Amen!
To continue this theme, God led me to a message Jerry Bridges gave at the Desiring God conference. Bridges gives 4 Essentials for Finishing Well (this sermon is a must listen!). The second point really stayed with me: a daily appropriation of the Gospel. Here are the notes from the sermon, from DesiringGod:
"The gospel is for sinners. Before we spend time in communion with God, we must come to him with the attitude of the tax collector who prayed, "Have mercy on me, a sinner," and trust God alone to make us righteous. This alone will give us the confidence to approach God and have communion with him.
If we don't daily appropriate the gospel then we will begin to base our spirituality on our performance, which will eventually lead us either towards pride or despair. But reminding ourselves daily that we are sinners and that, by God's grace, we've been clothed with the righteousness of Christ, will equip us with true and pure motivation to continue following Jesus and renouncing the desire to love this world. We ought to work hard, not in order to earn God's approval but because we already have it."
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