Today I read a fantastic blog post by Bob Roberts, director of Kids 4 Truth International. The post was called, "Why Should You and I Evangelize Children?" (a must-read for Christian parents!) I was challenged and convicted to share the gospel with children, especially my own!
As God sovereignly worked things out, Aimee and Adriana (our oldest) had sign language class tonight. So after Myles went to bed, I had the opportunity to have devotions "just me and Sophia", a treat for both of us! I had been wanting to read her "The Eaglet" from Jim Elliff's CCWOnline ministry.

"The Eaglet" is a beautifully illustrated (by Caffy Whitney) children's story that explains allegorically the true nature of faith and repentance. Sophia sat on my lap at the computer and we read this story, then read through the Scripture that accompanies it! We had a great discussion on God's plan of salvation!
God in His wisdom knows that for me, He has to make things fall perfectly into place for me to do the right thing and make time to share the Gospel with my kids. And in His mercy, He did this tonight. He prompted Bob to write this post and a good friend to forward it to my inbox. He provided one on one time with Sophia. And finally, He even gifted Jim and Caffy to team up on this great story that illustrates the Gospel in terms my 6-year-old can understand! Time and fruit will tell the rest of this story in Sophia's life as to whether her conversion is genuine, but I praise God for her attentiveness and the deep questions she asked. Finally, I give the Lord praise for the way His hand was involved in blessing this special evening!
"In Him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of Him who works all things according to the counsel of His will (Eph 1:11)"
1 comment:
Thank you! It is good to know I have two people that actually read my blog now! :-)
Your friend in Christ,
Bob Roberts
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