Aimee and I have been talking about what happened two years ago around this time. Myles was a week and 1/2 old and very sick. We were in and out of the doctor's office and not getting answers.
We had made plans to visit the Hansons from Countryside and had to call to cancel as Myles was being x-rayed for pneumonia. Leigh persisted we still at least stop by (finally admitting they planned a surprise party for us to celebrate Myles' birth!) So after our long day at the Dr's office we decided to come and visit with the Hansons. We enjoyed the fellowship and Myles did fine sleeping in his car seat carrier. It was nice to talk with our friends about our concern and we knew they would pray for us.
Check out this cake Leigh made for us!
The next day, Myles was admitted to Children's Mercy with RSV, a respiratory virus that was very common and contagious at the time. We would spend two nights there. He received very good care, but it was a rough time. He had to be suctioned out periodically which he despised and made Aimee and I cringe. I remember trying to stay awake watching the monitor that measures oxygen level. It often dipped below tolerance, which would trigger unsettling alarms. The nurses would check on us (not soon enough I thought), then assure us things were not serious unless the levels remained low. Sure enough, after what seemed like hours (only a matter of seconds in reality) the levels would rise back into acceptable levels. I remember wondering if our boy would have brain damage from the oxygen deprivation. That feeling of helplessness was indescribable!
Super Bowl XL took place during our stay at Children's Mercy. I remember Pittsburgh was in it that year, but I have never been less interested in a game as I was that year. And now we associate being in the hospital with our newborn when we think about the Super Bowl.
Myles soon improved and we were able to leave. Aimee remembers feeling guilty that we got to go home when so many sick babies remained. We slept little that first night without any monitors to rely on.
Fast-forward to 2008. The 16th was Myles birthday. We celebrated with a trip to ride the train at Zonkers at the Great Mall and ice cream at the Fritz's Railroad Restaurant.
Here is Sophia and Myles waving. There was a nice (yet overly "serious") man operating the train that day. We thought maybe he was a little "special" though, because the ride seemed to go on forever. That thing probably made at least 20 laps! The kids were noticeably relieved when it was finally over! We sure got our money's worth, though!
Myles enjoyed a couple of the token rides.
Myles and Sophia in front of Fritz's. Adriana was there but not pictured.
Mom and Myles ordering and waiting patiently for a train sighting.
Like many boys, Myles loves trains, especially Thomas!

A dear friend of our family bought him a Thomas train set for his birthday and he has enjoyed it thoroughly!
We are so thankful the Lord spared our little guy two years ago, and kept him from developing any long-term problems. In fact, he actually GAINED a pound during his stay (it went right to his chubby cheeks!) We've been praising God for His faithfulness and for blessing us with three healthy children!
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,I thought this would be a good opportunity to praise our Lord for His protection and thank Him for our kids!
the fruit of the womb a reward.
Like arrows in the hand of a warrior
are the children of one’s youth.
Blessed is the man
who fills his quiver with them!
He shall not be put to shame
when he speaks with his enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127:3-5)
My prayer: Lord, may we be always faithful to You in the stewardship of parenthood. Our children are not ours, but have been entrusted to us for a short time to care for their needs and to teach them to fear You. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Psalm 111:10)"
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