"The LORD will save me, and we will play my music on stringed instruments all the days of our lives, at the house of the LORD. (Isaiah 38:20)"
This is the life verse of the Rolf family from Paola, KS.
I had a chance to hear Devon Rolf's testimony several years back at a men's breakfast. I love how Devon (formerly of Garmin) and Rebecca (formerly a corporate attorney) have made wholesale changes to their lives, including walking away from lucrative careers, in order to follow the Lord's leading for their family. And not only is their testimony a powerful witness to Christ, but their music is as well.
The Rolf's entire family ... Dad, Mom, Emma, Annie, Abby, Heidi, Gabriel and Lydia all play bluegrass (ok Lydia just turned one last month, but you get the idea!) My family has had several opportunites to watch the Rolfs perform and it always brings smiles. They are truly talented and use their talents for the Lord.
So I'm writing this to encourage one and all to get tickets to the Misty Mountain Revival Bluegrass Concert April 12th at the Paola Community Center. The Rolfs open for MMR at this historic venue.

Get your tickets now! Tell your friends! It is my aim to get as many people as possible to come out for an enjoyable evening of bluegrass.
Doors open at 6 pm, the Rolfs kick things off at 7 pm!
Call (913) 259-3650 for more information or email me and I'll send you a flyer in pdf format.
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