This Mississippi evangelist has done some great work in exposing the heretical views of the Word of Faith (aka Health/Wealth/Prosperity) movement.
Every Christian who seeks discernment in what they listen to, ought to take notice. As a young man suffering from cerebral palsy, he was shattered to learn firsthand that Benny Hinn is a fake. But the LORD used that disappointment and pain for His glory. Peters went on to the ministry and later did his Master's dissertation on the life and ministry of Benny Hinn.
My purpose in putting this out here is to shine some light on some of these false teachers.
Here is a link to Peter's website, which offers some good information including a demo of his seminar entitled "A Call for Discernment".
Justin Peters Ministries
Here are some shorter videos of that address given at Southwestern Theological Seminary.
A Call for Discernment - Justin Peters part 1
A Call for Discernment - Justin Peters part 2
A Call for Discernment - Justin Peters part 3
A Call for Discernment - Justin Peters part 4
Finally, I wanted to point out this fascinating documentary on Benny Hinn, which features Justin Peters.
CBC: The Fifth Estate - Do You Believe in Miracles?
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