One of my favorite holidays has always been the one that takes place on October 31, 2008. As a kid it was a chance to get sick on candy and dress up like robots (since cardboard boxes were more easy to come by than cash in those days).
As I progress through my thirties, I get more and more excited about celebrating--not Halloween--but Reformation Day. It looks back to October 31st, 1511 when Martin Luther posted his 95 Theses to the church doors, an act that would spark a huge movement of God and affect history in profound directions!
Each year, I get more and more excited about celebrating what has became the most influential movement of God since the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to the early church in Acts Chapter 2. I might even dress up like Luther, Calvin, Zwingli or even John Knox (Aye, I can dooh a r-r-really dooozy of a Scottish accent!) Maybe not.
Moving on. I recently I heard Steve Lawson's series on the Reformation in a series called "The Protestant Reformation: Turning the World Upside Down for Christ".
I have been really blessed by this series! I liken it to chatting on the front porch with a skilled storyteller who makes you believe he lived through the stories he relives. Of course, Dr Lawson is still in his prime, and would object to being dated to the Reformation, but what I mean to say is that he lives and breaths this topic and his passion is contagious!
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