Thanks for praying for the employee network fair we had recently in Kansas City! We had a table setup and got a lot of traffic (thanks in part to all the cookies and brownies that BSG members brought in!)
Almost 40 handouts about the BSG were given out, nearly 40 books and CD's were given away (including 14 Bibles), and 14 were added to the d-list, resulting in at least half of those coming to the meeting last Thursday. We also gave away a lot of our magnetic memo boards.

Seth's experience sums up the day well:
BSG member, Brenda, had a good conversation with a visitor who asked if we had a prayer list. We also got to interact with some of the other network groups on hand, the Catholic Affinity Group, the Multi-cultural Network, as well as the Emergency Preparedness and Response Employee Network. Always want to develop relationships through which the Gospel can be shared!During our shift at the Employee Network Fair, Brenda and I got to talk to about 10 different people. A lot of people ... stopped by the table because they wanted to say "hi" to Brenda. One lady ended up taking some information about the BSG, one of the Bibles, and a couple CD's. She really seemed interested in the group. A few other people stopped by and looked at the material that we had, and a couple people ended up taking either Bibles or CD's. A couple people were really interested in the Jim Elliff CD, and we were able to tell them a little bit about the Elliff book that we had studied. I think it was an encouragement for a lot of people to see that there is a BSG that meets at State Street.
What a blessing to have the opportunity to let people know the Bible Study Group is here in KC and that we value God's Word, through which is ETERNAL LIFE!
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