I had the privilege of taking Aimee to see Fireproof this weekend and was not at all disappointed! Fireproof is powerful and entertaining. It is the ultimate date-movie!
It has gripping action that had me nearly pulling my fingers off! It has sincere, believable characters that anyone can relate to; this is no Disney fairy tale! It mixes in hilarious comedy in just the right places! Most importantly, it points to Christ as the answer, not just to marital problems but to the answer of man's greatest need, reconciliation with God. And yet, it doesn't show an unrealistic 'prosperity gospel' where everything instantly turns around the moment someone 'finds Jesus'.
The movie closes with this verse on the screen.
God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)What a joy to see God's Word written on theater screens across the country, for millions to see and consider! Go see this movie, but be prepared. Aimee calls it a 'true love story'. It's not sappy at all, but there was not a dry eye in the house. We heard many sniffles and even a few honks (honking noses not firetrucks)!
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