It truly was a special time! Despite the single digit temperatures outside, my family and I were warm inside Redeember Presbyterian enjoying the heart-warming music of Nathan Clark George.
A crowd of maybe 200 (my estimate) enjoyed this intimate concert, as we got to know Nathan, Mark Stoffel (mandolin/violin) player, and Ross Sermons (bass) through their music. We heard a savory mix of Christmas tunes from the very old and well known (O Come, O come Emmanuel) to the old not so well known (Remember O Thou Man), to the more contemporary and well known (I'll Be Home For Christmas). I bought his Christmas CD and it's fantastic. Of course, they also played some of our favorite NCG songs not necessarily Christmas songs.
The acoustics were absolutely perfect for grand old Christ-honoring tunes! The sound was perfect, and Nathan's rapport with the audience was relaxed and comfortable. He was at ease and seemed to sincerely enjoy sharing his G0d-given gift of music. He was clearly praising God for His glory and for our edification and it was a real treat to listen to!
Being a Nathan Clark nut, and not having met him in person, I just had to say hello as he manned his own cd table in the back before the show (we were among the first ones there). I can't imagine anyone being more down-to-earth and humble than Mr. Goerge. When I asked where he was heading next, he explained how this is the last show of the year and talked about his plans for joining his wife and kids in Tennessee. He was also gracious enough to pose with Adriana and I for a couple of photos.

You can listen/buy Nathan Clark George songs here, and please also check out his mondolin player, Mark Stoffel: very talented in his own right and I have to say a very funny German! Stoffel has recently put together his own CD.
It sounds as if Nathan Clark George at Redeemer will become a Christmas tradition. Watch this blog for announcements about next year!
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