Finally, it happened! After rescheduling twice (each requiring an email to our 1,400 KC employees!), we finally had Jim for a visit our Bible Study Group (at work) on Thursday.
Jim brought an elder in his church, Steve Burchett to assist. We actually visited Steve's house church group once (Steve is my friend Luke's pastor). Steve was a big help in setting up today. In fact, when Jim turned down the ginormous podium (in favor of his 'walking around' style) Steve found some nearby materials in the back room that we used for a make-shift stand for Jim's notes and Bible (see below).

Jim, a guest back in February of last year, agreed to come back, this time to talk about finances. God answered my prayer for a big turnout. We had almost 20, and the impact is not limited to the ones in the room. The A/V guys were able to video-link the session and will upload to our intranet soon! We have a website on a SharePoint server that allows us to easily upload pictures, announcements, video, and documents (i.e. Bible Studies) for our BSG network group. What a blessing to know that over twenty-thousand employees will have access to the video of Jim talking about how to glorify Christ through your finances!
Raise your hand if you think that's AWESOME!

Jim shared some amazing stories from his life how the Lord provided for him, his family and his church. He has been deeply impacted by his study of the life of George Muller, and in typical Elliff generosity gave everyone a free copy of the book on Muller's life that CCW publishes*.

In addition to sharing his powerful testimony, Jim also shared some Scriptures on the topic of debt, and his 7 Principles of Finance for the Believer. You can find these practical teachings on debt, Christian Finances, and giving here and here and here.
The 7 Principles are a must read! I'll list them here to whet your whistle:
- The Principle of Non-Attachment - I will purchase or receive nothing that I cannot give away.
- The Principle of Liberty - I will owe no man anything but to love him.
- The Principle of Liberality - I will constantly seek to give away money and possessions for God's glory.
- The Principle of Recall - I will keep accurate records of God's dealings with me financially in order to show others that God answers prayer and provides for His own.
- The Principle of Security - I will save and invest only if God is leading, with the understanding that I will give it all away at His slightest instruction.
- The Principle of Compassion - I will not pray for someone's needs financially unless I am willing to be the instrument God uses to meet that need if He should desire.
- The Principle of Contentment - I will be content to live on whatever God chooses to provide, whether little or much.
Finally, Jim shared on giving. This was definitely my favorite! It was so cool to hear stories about how God rewards those who give to others out of a cheerful heart! I know that many hearts were challenged by Jim's radical and Christ-like teaching on finances, mine included.
*Jim also made available his newest book for a drastically discounted price.

Co-authored by Steve Burchett this book is the fruit of a two or three year process of thoroghly searching the Scriptures on the topic of divorce and remarriage. I'm looking forward to reading this with Aimee soon and studying the Scriptures on this topic (of course a 'permanence view' is the only mindset to adopt when you're married to a wretch like me!)
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