The Lord will Provide (Hebrew: Yahweh-Jireh)
This name was ascribed to God by the patriarch Abraham in Genesis 22:14. In obedience to God’s command, Abraham placed his son Isaac on the altar as a sacrifice. Before Abraham could strike his son, God detained him and provided a ram in his place. The redemption that God provided that day on Mount Moriah motivated Abraham to call the place Yahweh-Jireh. Although it is true that God is powerful and faithful to supply all our needs, the name Yahweh-Jireh is not a promise of economic prosperity, but a promise of redemption from sin. We should die for our sins (Romans 6:23), but Yahweh-Jireh has provided a sacrifice in our place – His only begotten and beloved Son. He is the Lamb that takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). It is near blasphemy to emphasize economic prosperity over redemption. Jesus did not shed His blood for our monetary gain, but for the salvation of our souls – the redemption of the soul is costly (Psalm 49:8).
From The One True God by Paul Washer
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