Aimee was near the big blue slide in this picture (several feet to the left of where the kid in the blue shorts is standing). Adriana sent Myles down a much smaller slide on the other side (not visible here).
Aimee was on her way to watch Sophia swim, when something told her-Someone told her-to take one more look at Myles. That is when she saw Myles sun hat floating in the water; he had gone under! It was very shallow water (maybe 2 feet) but Myles, after sliding down, wouldn't stand up. Aimee trudged toward him frantically. One life guard was also running to help, while a second blew a whistle to clear the area. Soon a hushed crowd looked on as Aimee had picked up our boy and instinctively began to pound on his back.
His skin had turned pale white and his eyes were open wide! Thankfully he began coughing and out came some water. Slowly he pinked up and was back to normal after a few minutes. The lifeguard repeatedly asked him if he was ok, and finally he nodded and replied, "Yes." This of course, was the first time he'd ever said the word "yes". He also added some unintelligible words that only babies understand, but his tone of voice conveyed that he was telling them all about what had just happened!
Aimee and I have continued to thank God for his protection and for sparing our boy. We certainly have a deeper appreciation for the gifts of our children and the brevity of life. Of course, God has also used this to remind us to never take our eyes off our kids (especially Myles)!
Here's a picture of Myles in our back yard the day before this happened.
"Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, 'Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. (Matthew 18:2-6)'"

Mike & Aimee,
This was a very scary moment. We are very glad it worked out ok. You guys are great parents! There are bound to be bumps along the road with kids, but with great parents like you guys, they are in good hands! Love and enjoy each of them every single day!
Mom & Dad
Yikes! That was a close call! God is so good to protect us; I think we only see a small portion of the times He spares us from disaster.
I'm writing from Chicago right now. Should be back be tomorrow night. Look forward to seeing you this week!
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