Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Daily Readings with Martyn Lloyd-Jones

June 07

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah

Sin ... entered human life from the outside and it attacked even the Son of God. That I am forgiven is glorious, that I have a new nature is wonderful and still better. But still I am left to face this terrible power that is set over against me, and which strives ever to defeat me ... It has defeated the mightiest and the strongest. It has not hesitated to match its strength even with God Himself. Its subtlety and suggestions meet me everywhere. Who am I to confront such a foe? What is man at his best against such an antagonist? ... Man cannot, for all men have failed ... Is all hopeless? Must we continue to strive and strive in vain? No! A David has appeared and smitten this Goliath; a Jonathan has routed the Philistines again. The Man has entered the lists and delivered the enemy a mortal wound from which he can never recover ...

Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, has conquered Satan. Tried and tested to the utmost, He not only emerged unscathed, but hath 'cast out the prince of this world' ... He has conquered death and the grave and every power that is inimical to man and his highest interests. The Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed — yea, and not only for Himself, but for us. He offers us His own power and promises to clothe us with His own might. Not only need we not be defeated any longer; in Him we can become more than conquerors over any and every power that may raise itself against us.

These are the problems of the world ... They are exposed in the gospel and they are solved by it. Christ satisfies every need and He alone does so. He has 'done all things well'. The message of the gospel is about Him and what He has done. It is not theory. It works, it is a fact as the lives of Christians of all ages testify. Ashamed of Jesus? A thousand times no!

The Plight of Man and the Power of God, pp. 89-91

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