“Americans who were not moved by what happened the other night were in some way un-American. A dry eye was a misinterpretation of American history.”For the most part I agree. Many tears were shed, but those who voted ProLife were not shedding giddy tears of joy. But all is not lost. The Lord still reigns!
I loved these helpful words from 'My 2 Cents' ...
America has a new President-elect—one to whom most evangelicals (myself included) were opposed during the election due to his stance on abortion. So what?Read the entire article, ...
* So we rejoice and rest in God’s sovereignty (Dan 2; 4:34-35; Psalm 75:5-7; Prov 21:1).
* So we start praying for our new leaders (1 Tim 2:1-4).
* So we put to rest the hysteria that I’ve heard from many Christians and pastors. Some have suggested that the future of the church and our ability to minister the gospel hung in the balance along with Oval Office during this election (and the ones in 2000 and 2004). Well, here’s a news flash: The gates of hell are no closer to prevailing against Christ’s church today than they were last week, last century, or during any political regime of the last 2000 years (Matt 16:18). The church will be fine. Mercy, it might be better off. The progress of the gospel has never depended on governmental leaders. It has thrived under Presidents, Kings, Emperors, and Dictators (2 Tim 2:9b). It will continue to do so.
Christians and the Obama Administration
You won't be sorry.
Finally, here's a funny picture I found today ...

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