Just a quick note to give praise and thanks to God for answering our prayer to pay off our most daunting credit card. We held this one for 12 years and have ALWAYS carried a balance, with interest rates up to 23%. God impressed on a good friend to confront me with my sinful lack of diligence and responsibility in this area. We are now committed to free up our finances to be used by the Lord for His purposes. Our credit card debt has dropped 58% after that talk. Once these are gone we will trust God to continue with our other debt!
Like us, if you carry credit card debt, please go to your knees and plead with God for wisdom and strength. Then watch for Him do amazing things in answering your prayers! BUT DON'T JUST WATCH, He is calling you to actively do what it requires to get out of debt (and this will mean sacrifice). But do all this in His power and strength!
Jim Elliff has written at least two great articles about finance. Please read!
Dying with Debt
7 Principles of Finance for the Believer
Thanks to those who have counseled, prayed and encouraged us on this journey! We will update periodically to boast in the LORD!
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