Looking at this picture makes me smile! I see God's handiwork all over it. In Ken's humble demeanor, despite his incredible scientific knowledge (He has a PhD in organic chemistry). I saw him suffer greatly when he had a horrible nerve issue in his neck/shoulder, yet he never stopped giving praise to God, who eventually healed him months later. I love the fact that Ian is even in this picture, because God spared him miraculously from a near-death illness (great story by the way!). I just love this family. God's grace is put on display in the Turnbulls. (read more about them here)
So I was thrilled to see this picture on Conrad Mbewe's blog. Having had the privilege to meet Conrad Mbewe (the Spurgeon of Africa) and to spend some time with Dr Ken Turnbull as well (both visited our Bible Study Group at work), it was a treat to see how their ministries are coming together in Zambia. Both of these men are gifted to the extent that they could write their own paycheck if they were to pursue secular careers, but they have forsaken all, 'that they may know Christ and be found in Him' (Phil 3:8-9). God has in turn blessed their ministries! Please read this article and pray for African Christian University, and for these men and their families. Note: I especially enjoyed Mbewe's playful jab at Ken's writing style.
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