Let me set the stage with this fantastic quote:
As never before in our day has the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ been under such attack as it is right now. The difference between today and in times past, is that the theological liberals and unregenerate pundits were "out there"; distant from the inner orthodox circles of evangelicalism. They were bold and they were obvious; they would objurgate the gospel with every breath in their lungs and without hesitation. However, today, the enemy approaches with a cunning subtlety; a covert hellish seduction. As an angel of light masquerading the gospel of grace with their doctrines of demons and satanic righteousness. I often have said here that Satan doesn't want to fight the church as much as he wants to join the church. And he is doing so today with pastors and laity alike are embracing with an eery, undiscerning, unguarded, enthusiastic acceptance. (from Steven J Camp's blog, Camp on This)
Enter T4G: "Together for the Gospel (T4G) began as a friendship between four pastors. These friends differed on a number of theological issues, like baptism and the charismatic gifts. But they were committed to standing together for the main thing—the gospel of Jesus Christ.."
You can get free downloads of the speakers in this April's Together for the Gospel Conference in Louisville, KY. Check out this all-star line-up...
- 1 Ligon Duncan - Sound Doctrine – Essential to Faithful Pastoral Ministry
- 2 Thabiti Anyabwile - Bearing the Image: Identity, the Work of Christ, and the Church
- 3 John MacArthur - The Sinner Neither Able Nor Willing: The Doctrine of Absolute Inability
- 4 Mark Dever - Improving the Gospel: Exercises in Unbiblical Theology
- 5 RC Sproul - The Curse Motif of the Atonement
- 6 Albert Mohler - Why Do They Hate It So? The Doctrine of Substitution
- 7 John Piper - How the Supremacy of Christ Creates Radical Christian Sacrifice
- 8 CJ Mahaney - Sustaining a Pastor's Soul
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